Office 01

mollitia omnis fuga, nihil suscipit lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Deleniti sit quos.

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Investor Contact

Investor Contact

Registered Office B-001 & B-002, Ground Floor, Antop Hill Warehousing Complex Ltd, Barkat Ali Naka, Salt Pan Road, Wadala (E), Mumbai - 400 037, Maharashtra.
Tel No: 022-6192 5555 / 56
Email ID:
CIN: L51901MH1995PLC331822
Corporate Office 2 nd Floor, Sugar House, 93/95, Kazi Sayed Street, Mumbai -400003
Tel No: 022-6192 5555 / 56
Email ID:
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer Ms. Harshika Kothari
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
Email ID:
Tel No: 022-6192 5555 / 56
For Investor Grievances, please contact our Compliance Officer
SMART ODR PORTAL In order to access the new Online Dispute Resolution Portal of the SEBI for the resolution of their complaints, Investors are requested to click on SMART ODR PORTAL
Nodal Officer for IEPF Ms. Harshika Kothari
Company Secretary & Compliance Officer
Email ID:
Registrar & Share Transfer Agents (RTA) M/s. Adroit Corporate Services Pvt. Ltd.
18/20, Jaferbhoy Industrial Estate, 1 st Floor, Makwana Road, Marolnaka, Mumbai ? 400 059.
Tel No.: (022) - 4227 0400
Fax No. : (022) -28503748
E-mail :
Listing on Stock Exchange BSE Limited
Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,Dalal Street, Mumbai - 400 001
Scrip Code: 531667